Monday, March 28, 2016

Content Outline

Below is my content outline. I feel as though I have improved on writing outlines as I have a much more concise outline than project 2's outline.

Opening Section:

-Opening statement/grabbing readers attention and thesis: The Qatar 2022 World Cup Scandal is a heated subject which has received attention from news sources  worldwide. With bribery and unethical labor conditions it is evident that FIFA should revoke Qatar's bid to host the 2022 World Cup.

-Explain each stake holder in the controversy:
FIFA board members
Qatar (bid team)

Main body section 1:

-Main idea: How bribery led to Qatar's bid win is clearly improper  and used for economical gain
-Evidence: An F.B.I investigation found that a Qatari firm paid Jack Warner (FIFA vice president) around $2 million. In addition,
-What the evidence proves: The evidence proves that the Qatar world cup campaign group were willing to pay a large amount of money under the table to win the bid and how Jack Warner is involved in this scandal.
-Importance of evidence: This evidence can exactly pinpoint where the Qatar 2022 World Cup bid campaign managed to succeed in the vote.

Main body section 2:

-Main idea: How workers in Qatar building are working in inhumane conditions and unethical circumstances
-Evidence: There is evidence showing that workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal and other nations are forced to stay and work in Qatar. By Qatari companies taking away the passports of migrant workers, they are not allowed to leave. In addition, they are payed close to nothing considering the amount of work they do. Futhermore, the living standards are poor for these workers with most living in slums.
-What the evidence proves: Workers are living in poor conditions, are trapped in Qatar and cannot leave, and are not getting payed enough for the amount of work they do
-Importance of evidence:The evidence proves that workers are similar to slaves

Main body section 3:

-Main idea: It was reported by The Sunday Times that there were numerous instances of emails, letters and bank transactions that showed Bin Hammam to pay Football Officials to support the Qatar's bid to host the 2022 World. The amount payed was expected to be around more than $5 million.
-Evidence: Through email, letters and bank transactions there is evidence to support these claims
-What the evidence proves: The evidence proves Bin Hammam used bribery to support Qatar's chances of winning the world cup
-Importance of evidence: This evidence is important as it shows Bin Hammam to be guilty and shows one of the many reasons why the Qatar bid win was a planned project.

Closing section:
-Explanation of larger significance of subject in the closing section: Not only is bribery unacceptable but this gives a bad name to soccer in general. It has not only ruined the image of the game of course, but has shown many officials in Qatar to be guilty of bribery.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your content outline is off to a great start. I would say that the only thing that is missing are quotes from your sources. I would maybe add a reference to a specific article or video, otherwise, it looks good!
