Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 2

Selection from rough cut:
The first genre I found from my research is a journal article. This genre has been written frequently and is read by many professionals in the marketing field. An example of this genre can be seen in my interviewees’ journal article “Symbols for Sale”. Sidney J Levy, uses a less formal tone but a more personal easy to read style. His work is shown to be different from most other journal articles, as “Symbols for Sale” uses less marketing jargan. The use of less sophisticated writing can consequently give Sidney J Levy a larger audience that can understand his work more easily. As I met with Dr. Levy, I discussed with him about why he decides to write in a less formal style, he explained this stylistic choice with “In my writing I am oriented towards clarity. I want to be understood, and not make it sound to abstract or too unusual. Although this is not true with most people in the marketing field, I like to write in plain English. I try to be clear.”

Re-edited selection: 

The first genre I found from my research is a journal article. This genre is written frequently and is read by many professionals in the marketing field. An example of this genre can be seen in my interviewees’ journal article “Symbols for Sale." (Levy, Sidney J. ) In the article, Sidney J Levy uses a less formal tone but a more personal, easy to read style. His work is shown to be different from most other journal articles as “Symbols for Sale” uses less marketing jargon. The use of less sophisticated writing can consequently give Sidney J Levy a larger audience that can understand his work more easily.On the 24th of February, I met with Dr. Levy and asked him about why he decides to write in a less formal style. He explained this stylistic choice with “In my writing I am oriented towards clarity. I want to be understood, and not make it sound to abstract or too unusual. Although this is not true with most people in the marketing field, I like to write in plain English. I try to be clear.”

  1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version? I added a bit more contextual information in the re-edited part. This was done to give readers a better understanding about the interview. Apart from that, nothing else really changed apart from a changes in sentence structure.
  2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version? In terms of how form changed, I added commas to certain sentences. This helped improve the form of my work as it gave the essay a better flow for the audience to read from. As the form is improved, this has improved the presentation of content more effectively to my audience as it is easier to read with limited use of the passive voice.

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