Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on Production

This reflection helped me rethink what I did well and what I could further develop on. It will be a relief to finally finish this project.

  1. The successes for this week's process work is that I have finally managed to do my last interview. This took a long time as it was a struggle find a second interviewee as well as finding a mutual time to meet. Additionally, I feel as though I have a much better understanding of what the project requires. I spoke with Professor Bottai and he explained to me very clearly how to improve the content of my outline and the structure.
  2. The challenges for this week is finding the time to work on the project. As there are many other tests and assignments going around this week, finding the time to actually work on the project was challenging. Additionally, it was a challenge to find a time to conduct my last interview.
  3. Next week will go well hopefully. With the break, this will give me a lot of time into planning and finishing up my project. I am concerened that I will procrasinate a lot however which could be an issue for the coming days.
  4. At this point I am feeling more confident. I have finally collected my information and have a place where I can start working from to finish the final product.

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