Saturday, March 26, 2016

Production Report

Below is the link shows a part of my rough draft. I hope to receive advice on what to improve as I know that there is room to develop my project.

I have included a piece of my outline and a section of my rough draft in this post.

Adaption of Outline Item:

Outline Item:Opening section/introduction:

Idea on how to start off and grab readers attention: Ever wondered how marketing professionals write and the different genres and conventions they use? Well I took the time to find the answers.

Main Idea: Introducing the context (who, what, where, when, why, how)

What will be discussed: different genres and their rhetorical concepts from individual research journals, interviewee 1, and interviewee 2

Audience questions:
1. I decided to use form to present the content of my raw material to give a organised structure to the project. This helps guide my audience more easily, as the context and basic points to know are introduced in the into. By speaking in a calm and clear voice, this also helps the fluidity of the podcast. Conventions of my genres influenced my choices as I felt that by doing a podcast, I should stick to the format of a podcast as much as I can. 
2. The production of this raw material went well. I only wished that I could have started this sooner though. Challenges I faced were messing up what I was saying or forgetting to speak more clearly. Apart from that, it was a easy process to do.

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