Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer review for Leah Crowder

Name: Leah Crowder
Title: The Internet Age of Academia
Explanation of peer review activity: This activity is to help give suggestions on how to improve the first draft. This student's project looks interesting and my role as a student is to help my classmates' writing.
How I helped the author: By giving feedback, I have given the author points to develop on which can help improve their final grade. I suggested limiting the use of second person and advised my peer to proof read her essay to make sure there are no instances of possible repetition.
How I used course material in my feedback: I used the project 2 rubric to refer from while peer reviewing and giving feedback. This helped guide what to write for feedback as I could list out certain aspects my classmate was missing from the criteria.
One thing I admired form my peer's work or could learn from: I think the use of in text citations was something I learnt from as I forgot to put in text citations in my draft. Additionally, I admired Leah's title as this influenced me to create a more creative title for my project as well.

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