Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Reflection on Progress

Reflecting on my progress helped me re evaluate what I did wrong, what I could improve in and what I is yet to complete. It gave time to rethink about how my project is going which I think will help me organize my ideas and time better for creating the final piece.

1. During this week's process, I finally managed to complete my last interview. This was a relief as it took a while to get someone to accept the interview and plan a time to meet up. I also managed to finish my other blog posts for the pre-production period which went well.

2. During the pre-production stage, there were a few challenges I faced. I had a lot of trouble finding my second interviewee as many people either declined or never responded to my email. In addition, by the time I finally managed to meet a professional for my second interview, he could not make it to the original time we agreed on, thus I had to plan the interview to be a bit later than I would have wanted to.

3. Next week will be a hard for me to manage my time to finish the project. I will be traveling to San Francisco and then to Lake Tahoe. During these days of travel both via plane and car, will become an obstacle for me to create time to work on my project. Additionally, I will be hanging out and skiing with my friends, Uncle, and brother which will be a distraction.

4. Overall for the project, I feel confident. I am wary about whether or not I will manage to work effectively during my spring break. Regardless, I have finished collecting all my information and should be able to complete the project with ease.

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