Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 1

Selection from rough cut

Idea on how to start off and grab readers attention: Ever wondered how marketing professionals write and the different genres and conventions they use? Well I took the time to find the answers.

Main Idea: Introducing the context (who, what, where, when, why, how)

What will be discussed: different genres and their rhetorical concepts from individual research journals, interviewee 1, and interviewee 2

Re-edited selection:
Marketing professionals in the business world have to write frequently and in doing so use different genres and conventions within their work. After conducting two interviews and doing individual research, I found a range of information about the kinds of writing professionals do in marketing. From interviewing two professionals and doing individual research I also discovered the rhetorical situations marketing writer’s use, different genres written, and the conventions used for each genre. The genres examined will be a journal article and a report by a range of examples from the marketing field.

  1. The content changes greatly as I have completely switched from having a podcast to creating a standard college essay. Overall, I basically touched up on what I previous wrote and enhanced it so that it sounds better. The content is being communicated more effectively as I have made the intro less wordy, with less repetition and shorter sentences. This consequently improved the flow of the essay's intro.
  2. Even though the genre of the project changed, the form overall did not change greatly. I still used the same structure of the podcast to be within my standard college essay. The only changes were that I did not include the conventions of a podcast (music, sound effects etc.).

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