Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Report on My Interviewees

This task helped me reflect on the interviews and remind me about what I learnt from the interviews.

1. The most significant and interesting genres that I learned about my interviewees included poetry and novels. These genres were not related to Marketing itself but were written by personal desire. However, in terms of genres from the Marketing field, the most significant genres were articles, journals and reports.

2. These genres differ from one another as each differs in purpose, content and audience. For an article, the audience is more directed towards . Reports and journal articles require a large amount of research and citations. Therefore, when writing these genres, credibility is a major factor for a marketing paper.

3. What is exciting from writing in these genres is the amount of influence the writing can have on the audience. One of the professionals I interviewed felt rewarded when his student audience learned, as well as having people from the marketing spectrum conducting further research on certain topics which Sidney J Levy discusses about in his publications.

4. These genres can be found in the news, education and business magazines.

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