Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #2

Tsuyoshi Kikuawa is an elderly man who dresses formal in public. He is usually seen wearing a suit that is navy, grey or dark grey. As he is a old man, he has lost some hair and is balding. He does not have a lot of grey hair, only on the sides above his ears. He wears glasses and seems to have a calm and quiet nature.

As for the first claim, Kikuawa’s belief that Mr. Woodford was not suitable for Olympus was a clear indication of how distraught Kikuawa has become since Woodford had exposed the company’s shady history. Thus this claim is not valid, as Kikuawa is guilty of creating fraud, which Woodford soon discovered. As for the second claim, this is slight more valid than the claim before as Kikuawa truly wanted what was best for the company at the time. However, his actions had only led to damaging the company’s name more. This claim plays with emotions as he tries to get his audience to feel pity for him. His last claim is the most valuable as Kikuawa finally admits to how his actions have affected not only how the rest of society view Olympus, but also the view of other Japanese companies globally. This last claim is credible as he acknowledges the consequences of this scandal and how he is to blame.

The first two claims are different to the first stakeholder, as Kikukawa argues against Woodford, trying to justify how he is in the right, and Woodford is wrong. The last claim however is similar to Woodford’s claims. This similarity is shown with Woodford and Kikuawa stating that this fraud has harmed Olympus and others from the board.

Arnold, Karen "Handshake Handshaking Men Man Businessmen", 11/28/2013 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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