Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

Here are my answers after carefully looking at the pronouns I used:

1. Looking back at the list of pronouns I used, my pronoun usage seems to be effective as I have used different possible pronouns for each subject. In other words, each subject was not solemnly referred to with only one type of pronoun. This shows the writing to be less repetitive and more creative and diverse. Additionally, actively examining my pronoun usage tells me how much of a pronoun I use as well as how many different pronouns I use for each different subject. This can tell me whether or not I am using too much of the same pronoun or where I can improve my writing style.

2. Instances of speaking or referring directly to my audience cannot be seen in my project.

Sankowski, Dariusz, "Knowledge Book Library Glasses Textbook", 11/19/2015 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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