Sunday, February 7, 2016

My Sources

Where: The source comes from “The New York Times”. The website has a .com domain, yet this does not affect the source’s credibility as The New York Times is one of the most credible sources available.
Who: The author of this source is Floyd Norris. The author is shown to be the chief financial correspondent of The New York Times financial section. He had also worked at Barron’s National Business and Financial Weekly, before working at The New York Times. He also was claimed for outstanding reporting on accounting issues from the New York Society of Certified Public Accountants and mentioned for outstanding life achievement from Financial Writers Association of New York. All these high prolific awards and previous experiences working at different news sources while being publicly acclaimed shows this writer to be highly respectable and credible.
When: This article came out on December 8th 2011. During this time schools and businesses were closing for winter holiday break. Thus there might have been little to report about as people were celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and New Years. I do not believe that this time period would not play into the time the story itself was made. However, 2011 was the year when the scandal was exposed and arrests were made, which led to this news article to be made in 2011 after these recent events.
What: The information the source offers the project is useful for explaining the reasons behind the controversy, the details about one side’s actions, and more. Stakeholders represented in this article include Woodford and Olympus. This source offers contextual information such as the amount of money lost, dates of actions, and a timeline of the controversy. This source is important, as it will be important and reliable to use for the project, as I will use it as a base to build upon.

Where: This article comes from Time magazine. Time is credible as it is a well-recognized and respected news source, which gives me reliable information for my project.
Who: The writer for this article is Bill Powell. Bill Powell has a LinkedIn page with 500+ connections. He graduated from Northwestern University and has been a senior writer for Time magazine for over 12 years. All this shows that Bill Powell is an experienced journalist, who continues to provide reliable information.
When: This was written on November 9th 2011. Although a lot was going on in the world, the Olympus scandal was a big issue in the business world. The climax of the story occurred in 2011, which is why the article was written in this time.
What : This article offers information about the situation with current president of Olympus Shuichi Takayama. It gives information as to how sorry the current board is about the Olympus’ shady past and has taken action to arrest former members of the company. The article highlights about Olympus’ former CEO Tsuyoshi Kikukawa past actions to cover up Olympus’ losses. This is important for my project as I can use this source to describe the current situation of Olympus at what is to come for the future of this company.

Where: This source comes from BBC. BBC is a highly respected and read news source. Thus this information is credible and will be fundamental to use in my project.
Who: There is nowhere mentioned on the webpage as to who wrote the article. However this report was probably written, and developed by more than one person from BBC. Even though there is not writer mentioned, BBC is a credible source, which does not hinder the sources accuracy and effectiveness for the research of my project.
When: This article was written on the 30th of May 2012. It was written in the aftermath of the major events of the Olympus Scandal. This article was written specifically after Mr. Woodford’s settlement.
What: The information given from this article focuses on Mr Woodford’s settlement and the status of Olympus after the scandal. This information will be used to give a good conclusion to my quick reference guide, providing readers what happened to Woodford in the end.

Where: This article comes from The Economist. The Economist is a news source focusing on writing news stories in the world’s economy. The Economist is a well-respected and reliable news source for economic related stories.
Who: There is not a specified writer for this article. However, The Economist is a well-known and credible news source, which provides accurate information.
When: This article was written on the 24th November 2012. This story was written around a year after the major events from the Olympus Scandal in 2011. The article recounts the past events of the Olympus Scandal in 2011. This time period of when the story was written has no effect on the controversy itself.
What: It provides an informative summary of Woodford exposing the scandal publicly and what influenced him to blow the whistle. This will be important for my project for when I explain what major stakeholder (Woodford) did in this controversy.

Where: I found this article on ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) by a google search. Although I have never heard about this website or knew a similar organization, this source gives credible information who focus specifically on my chosen topic and similar stories.
Who: The author of this article is not given. This gives concern as to whether the writer of the article is a credible source that has given truthful and quality information.
When: There is also no date given to this article. However, it was most likely in after of during late 2012, as the article gives a brief summary and timeline of the past major events of the scandal.
What: A timeline, background information of Olympus and summary of how the fraud unfolded is given. This will be useful for giving contextual information as well as basic facts and figures of the story, to my project.

Where: This article I found on Business Insider. This article from Business Insider was a good informative read, which presented a lot of useful information to write about in my project. Regardless of the domain being .com, this news source seems credible and useful for my project.
Who: Gus Lubin wrote this article. He is a editor-in-chief of Tech Insider, worked six years at Business Insider, graduated from Dartmouth College and has now become executive editor of Business Insider. This shows how he has progressed greatly over recent years with more and more experience. All in all, his education, years of work, and promotions show this writer to be a credible source.
When: This article was written on November 8th 2011. This was after the major events of the controversy with the recent news from Woodford revealing fraud from Olympus and the arrests of former employees of Olympus.
What: This article gives a summary of the controversy and it’s timeline. This will be a useful source for my project, as I will use the information to look back on and help me while writing.

Source 7:                                                                                        
Where: This article comes from Bloomberg. Bloomberg is a reliable and well-known source for business related news stories. This source is credible and will be valuable for my project.
Who: Karl Taro Greenfield is the writer for this article. After graduating from Columbia University, he has written many novels in his life and articles for Bloomberg. It is apparent from his LinkedIn page that this writer has done a lot in his life, working for many different organizations for years. This has gained him a lot of respect and shows how credible he is.
When: This was written February 16th 2012. Thus, after the major events finishing in 2011, Greenfield tells readers the controversy in a more story like format, instead of summarizing and explaining the recent updates of the controversy.
What: This article allows readers to understand the Olympus Scandal more in depth. Readers are presented what exactly Woodford had witnessed and how he explained everything to the police. This will be useful for the beginning of my project as I introduce the contextual information about the Olympus Scandal.

Where: This article I found on the The Telegraph. The Telegraph is a British news source, which I am not familiar with. Thus I do not want to take all of the information given as being true as I do not fully know the credibility of The Telegraph.
Who: Jonathan Russell, a graduate of Cardiff University, who writes and edits for Telegraph Media Group, Telegraph Business Club, Estates Gazette and more. Although very little information is given of the writer on his page, I believe he is a credible source whose information I will use for my project.
When: November 8th 2011. This was shortly during the time of when the major events of my controversy occurred, which has influenced as to when this article was written.
What: This article provides readers a good understanding of Olympus currently. This is explained with how the company is apologizing and trying to fix this issue. Additionally, the company is described as having a rough period as shares of the company had dropped again. This information will be useful in informing my readers the current situation of Olympus.

Where: World Finance gives an article about Woodford’s view regarding the turn of recent events for Olympus. For World Finance to get a hold of Woodford and conduct an interview with him about the controversy shows credibility, which will be fundamental for creating my project.
Who: The author of the article is Jules Gray. Jules works for World News Media, doing reports in World Finance, The New Economy, and more. Not much information is given about Jules but the source seems credible.
When: January 10th 2013. This interview takes place around two years after the scandal erupted. This time period plays into the story as it has given both the public, Olympus and Woodford to recuperate and reflect back on the controversy.
What: This interview provides valuable information about one side of the controversy. By conducting an interview on Woodford, this source will be essential to refer back to for writing about this stakeholder.

Where: I found this article on BBC. BBC is a source that is more reliable than any other news source in my opinion. Thus, this article is credible and appropriate to use for my project.
Who: No author is specified but this does not take away the credibility of the news story itself.
When: 3rd July 2013. This article was written right after the ones responsible for the fraud were sentenced to jail. Thus after this recent event, it was quickly reported to the public.

What: The article tells readers the details of three former Olympus executives responsible for the scandal. It explains the jail sentences and fines the members will face, as well as how each member was involved to cover-up the losses of Olympus. This article will be valuable for my project when writing about the Olympus/Kikuawa side of the argument.

Unsplash, "Computer Laptop Technology Keyboard Computing", 5/3/2015 via pixabay
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