Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

Similar to my interviewees, it was apparent that the authors for the journal article were not very active social media users. They did of course use LinkedIn which I had the chance to browse through and takes notes from.

1. Martijn G. De Jong could be found only on LinkedIn.

2. When looking at Martijn G. De Jong's social media presence, it can be described as very impressive. With the list of experience, awards, recommendations and more, this shows De Jong to be respectable, and bright. What he wrote for his bio is very succinct and sounds professional as he mentions his current occupation, interests and what he studies.

3. When comparing the persona on social media to the academic journal, there is clear difference on how I view Martijn G. De Jong. On his LinkedIn account, it made Martijn G. De Jong seem like a real-life and approachable person, with his personal information such explaining his occupation with "I am a chaired professor of marketing research at the Erasmus School of Economics" as well as his other experiences and details shared. This gave me a better understanding about who the author truly is. While reading the academic journal, it is not as easy to understand the identity of the author, but only what he believes and thinks.

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