Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviews

I have finally completed both of my interviews and am ready to finally finish my project and report on my interviewees.

What genres did I learn about?
The genres I learnt about were journal articles and reports. I learnt the certain conventions required of each genre and the types of topics marketing professionals write about such as theories, analysis' and informative research reports on companies, consumer behaviour and other topics.

How do these genres differ from each other?
These genres differ from each other as the topics specifically discussed are different between a article and report. In addition, the tone of a journal article is different to a report. Furthermore the conventions of each genre differ from each other as a report uses more facts and figures such as graphs, tables, diagrams and formulas. In addition, the audience can differ from each genre as reports are more directed towards researchers, analysts, investors, and companies, while journal articles are read more from more groups globally.

What are the challenges?
Challenges are that writers want to be understood and write with as much clarity as possible. Sidney J Levy for example does not want his writing to be too sophisticated that his readers have trouble reading and understanding what he is trying to inform about. Thus, Sidney J Levy strives to be a writer who does not write with complexity but simplicity.

What was rewarding?
What is rewarding to Sidney J Levy was that he created the term "brand image" and now many marketing professionals refer to Sidney J Levy's idea of brand image in their writings still to this day. In addition, Sidney J Levy enjoys when people like his writing and learn and are inspired to continue research from his informative articles.

Where can these genres be found?
These genres can be found in libraries and online.

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