Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Interview Subjects

After researching about my interviewees, I feel more confident about interviewing them. By having a basic understanding about what my interviewees have done in the past gives me time to ask further and more specific questions about their work.

Sidney J Levy

He has worked for University of Arizona, Northwestern University, Kellogg faculty and doctoral seminars. He was a lecturer at University of Chicago, chair of the marketing department at Eller College of Management in the University of Arizona.

He has worked as a professor at the Northwestern University (1961-1997) and chair of marketing at Eller College at the University of Arizona since 1997. He achieved getting a PhD from University of Chicago by the committee of Human Development.

UA Profile

Interview: 2/24/2016, McClelland Hall, at 11:00am

Edward Ackerley

Edward Ackerley worked as a professor in North Arizona University since 2000, professor at the University of Arizona since 1994 and is an account executive for Ackerley advertising.

He has a doctorate (Educational Leadership) from Northern Arizona University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Radio and Television) from the University of Arizona.

UA Profile

Interview: TBA

Questions about background information for interviews:
1. Where did you previously work
2. What genres you write typically
3. Who do you usually write for
4. What you current job entitles
5. What influenced you to pursue your career in marketing
6. Where and when do you typically like to work
7. How technology changing over time has impacted your writing
8. How do you prepare or outline your work before writing

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