Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

My review for Leah and PJ.

1. What did you learn about your own project (or the project in general) by comparing drafts of the same project in different genres?
2. I want you to plan on doing revision between now and our next class meeting on Tuesday. Tell me the top three issues or problems with your draft in its current form and what you plan on doing over the weekend to address those issues.
3. Tell me the top three strengths of your draft. How/why are these things strengths? How will you build on them to make the rest opf the draft as strong?
These tasks are due by 11:59pm on Friday the 12th. This will also count as "attendance" for class today.

1. I learnt that they can be very similar with each other. This shows that perhaps we are on the right track of creating a successful project. None the less, there are some conventions from other business based projects with the QRG genre which I am missing. 

      2. 1. Repetition

 I also keep speaking a little passive. Additionally, I sometimes repeat myself as Leah mentioned some of my writing to be repetitive. 

      2. Giving better detail on the story

      3. Missing graphics

1. Solid structure and using credible sources
2. Keeping with the conventions of the genre
3. Keeping an interesting story

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