Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

Below is my rhetorical analysis of project 3. This was a time consuming task but I managed to finally complete it. I believe however that this task will help me understand my topic more and helped me realize more about what is expected of me.

1. In this project I will draw on my own general research interests as this a subject which personally interests me. This project will also allow me to touch on my current-day social issues that I follow. As this subject is a personal interest of mine which I have read about previously, this knowledge I already have will help improve the process of creating my project.
2.Potential areas of bias that I should be aware of for project 3 include political beliefs and access to cultural power. As this issue includes bribery and violates human rights, it will be difficult to avoid showing an bias.

1. When thinking about my audience for this project I will try to be a persuasive and informative as possible. In doing so I will need to use clarity in my writing so I can get my message across.
2.The beliefs and assumptions this audience already might hold is how Qatari firms treatment of workers is unethical. If I explain this situation well, I believe my audience will follow my beliefs. Overall they are all likely to agree with me based off of the many reasons and evidence I will gave which will persuade them to believe that Qatar hosting the world cup is not a great idea.
3. My audience might react in two different ways. Either they will accept my evidence and agree with my argument or feel that the evidence is not worthy enough to prove that Qatar is not eligible to host the world.
4. I will connect with my audience by keeping their interest in continuing to watching and listening my video essay. By doing so use of images, video clips and other interesting eye catching forms of media will be used to get my message across to my audience.
5. I could tell my audience that this issue is not just a economic, political or soccer issue but is more as it is a issue that violates the basic human rights of many poor forced migrant workers in Qatar. I would show videos, pictures and other forms of evidence to show the severity of this issue and how it should be stopped.

1. For this assignment I want my project 3 to be persuasive enough to affect anyone who reads it. I want the affect on my audience to be for them to always remember this issue and let others know about this issue.
2. For what is needed to be accomplished in this project, I have yet to explain to people exactly what the issue is. In addition, there is other information I need to gather from documentaries and other sources.

What Genre?
1. I will be writing a video essay as my genre for project 3.
2. Audience expectations which come along with this genre generally are conventions such as a intro, transitional music, video clips etc.
3. I have never worked with this genre before so it is all very new to me. I hope that this will not hinder how successful I am in creating and incorporating the conventions required of this genre.
4. Generally, I was feeling confident about doing this genre. However as I come closer into starting to plan out and create this genre, I feel as though I am lost at times as to whether or not I am doing something right or using the conventions effectively.
5. The two most effective conventions of this genre in my opinion are ????

1. There are not any historical events that might impact how my audience perceives my argument.
2. Sunday Express, The Telegraph, CNN and BBC are talking about this topic.
3. "The county is not getting the respect it deserves over its efforts to hold the World Cup" "Qatari Emir strictly punishes and forbids instances of corruption and bribery with a zero tolerance policy". and "This is about the West's perception of Qatar. They think we still ride camels."

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