Saturday, April 16, 2016

Peer Review for Sienna

Below is  my peer review for Sienna. I believe that I have improved the quality of my peer reviews over time as I have done many reviews in the past and have good experience from this. I hope that my feedback is effective and will help Sienna's project.

Audience question: Not only did I practise my editorial skills this week in peer review, I improved as an editor from my production reports. By looking more at other peoples works I learn more about what I could do as a writer and certain elements I am missing in my project. This consequently has improved me as a writer.

Name: Sienna

Title: Production Report 11a

Link: Here

Explanation of peer activity: This activity is to allow students to help their classmates work by giving suggestions on how they can improve their work. As this is a student in my class, it is my role to help give useful and constructive feedback.

Explanation of how I helped the author with my feedback: I believe that I helped the author with feedback as I gave useful and doable suggestions that she can benefit from. This will hopefully improve the overall form and quality of the essay.

Explanation of how I incorporated course material: Although I have become more experienced in giving feedback, I refer to the genre examples and project 3's rubric to assess Sienna's work.

One thing about their work I admired or learnt from: I admired how she managed to connect all different ideas well in a organized manner that did not confuse me while reading. Additionally the personal approach of the essay is something I need to consider using more when creating my own project.

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