Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer review for Veronica

Veronica made a standard college essay. I enjoyed reading it and recommend fellow classmates to read. Below is my peer review for Veronica along with the attached link of her project.

Audience question: I practised my editorial skills this week in peer review activities and also by reviewing my own script for my video essay. My editorial skills have definitely improved by reading and assessing my classmates' works and giving advice on what to develop on.

Name: Veronica

Title: English Project 3: When I was Little

Hyperlink: Here

Explanation of the peer review activity selected: I chose this person's work as the topic looked interesting and I believe I could give valuable feedback. In addition this person is from a different section and I have never reviewed her work before.

Explanation of how I think my feedback helped the author: I think my feedback helped the author as I clearly gave doable and valuable feedback which the author will benefit from. I believe that if she follows my advice the paper will be more successful and improve the paper's quality overall. In addition, I did a standard college essay before as my genre for project 2. Thus, with my own experience I can help give her tips on what I did.

Explanation of how I incorporated course material into my feedback: By looking through the rubric of project 3 I used course material in my feedback. Additionally, as I have previous knowledge from giving past peer review feedbacks and having personally completed a standard college essay as my genre for project 2, I used course material into my feedback.

One thing I admired from their work or learnt from: I really enjoyed reading this essay through it's tone. The tone was very personal and story like which I admired. In addition the content given was very descriptive and easy to understand.

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