Saturday, April 16, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production Phase I

This week is coming to an end as I finish the rough cut. Overall this week has not been too stressful as I have had a lot of time to work on my project and blog posts with ease.

1. Success during this week's process was that I am just about finished with the rough cut. There is only a little bit more to add until it is finally complete to share with the rest of the class. I also managed to get through most of the blog posts easily this week without rushing. I only have one or two more blog posts left to complete so this week overall went splendid.

2. Challenges I faced was that I couldn't finish all this work earlier in the week. I managed to complete all my work towards the end of the week which was something I would not have hoped for.

3. Next week I think will go well since I finally will have put out my rough draft. All that is left to do is a few blog posts, revising and editing.

4. Overall I am feeling content with the project at this point. I haven't been struggling too much with this project and seem to be on the right track. Thus, I believe with minimal challenges, I will create a successful project

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