Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer review for Jake

Below is my peer review for Jake. Jake's topic was about school lunches which was an interesting essay. I recommend anyone to take a look at it.

Audience question: I practised my editorial skills this week in peer review activities and also by reviewing my own script for my video essay. My editorial skills have definitely improved by reading and assessing my classmates' works and giving advice on what to develop on.

Title:Packed vs. School Made Lunches: Which is the Better Option for your Child?

Author: Jake Gyles 

Hyperlink: Here

Explanation of peer activity chosen: I chose this draft as I do not believe I have looked at this student's work before. In addition, this student's work looked interested to give feedback on. In addition he is in my section making it suitable for me to choose this for peer review 13a.

Explanation of how I believe my feedback has helped the author in some way: I believe my feedback will help the author improve the overall form of his essay. As I did a standard college essay for my genre in the last project, my experience has allowed me to explain what things the author of a standard college essay should aim for and what to avoid doing.

Explanation of how I used course material in my feedback: By using previous knowledge I already had from giving peer reviews, I incorporated this previous knowledge in my work. Furthermore I used the rubric to refer from in my feedback.

One thing I learnt or admired from their work: What I admired from their work is how personal and story like it can be. This can be seen in the intro as Jake gives a very detailed essay which helps readers understand what is being described easily. In addition the subject to argue about is an interesting subject and it was interesting to hear what Jake's opinion was on this issue.

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