Saturday, April 16, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Barnett

Below is my second peer review for this week. Ben was from a different class section and I really admired his work. In addition his topic seemed very interesting to read. I hope that my feedback will be useful for Ben.

Audience question: Not only did I practise my editorial skills this week in peer review, I improved as an editor from my production reports. By looking more at other peoples works I learn more about what I could do as a writer and certain elements I am missing in my project. This consequently has improved me as a writer.

Title: Production report 11a

Name: Ben

Link: Here

Explanation of the peer review activity you selected: I chose this post as I thought it looked interesting. In addition I am supposed to give useful feedback to help improve my fellow peer's project.

Explanation of how I helped: I believe that I helped my peer with their project as my feedback will be able to help improve the overall quality of  Ben's project. Additionally my feedback is clear and useful making it very easy for Ben to follow my advice.

Explanation of how I incorporated something from course material in my feedback: Apart from what I learnt from in class and previous experience I had from peer reviewing other students' work, I used the project 3 rubric to make sure everything was met from the work to the criteria.

One thing in their work I admired of learnt from: I liked the subject they discussed about Uranium production. This is a subject I have little knowledge in so it was interesting learning about this issue.

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