Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Olympus Corporation is located in Tokyo, Japan. This environment is very condensed and urbanized. It looks busy and tiring, with a lot of commotion going on, just as any other metropolitan area does. It sounds loud due to the area being based in a city with a large population commuting from one area to another. These different forms of transportation come with the noises of engines and horns from busses, trains, cars, and talking from the people walking.  The horizon has many high rising buildings, with apartments, malls and companies. Behind the skyscrapers, mountains can be seen, with the city of Tokyo being placed on a flat land. In this valley territory, a lot can be seen from shopping, talking, eating, and going to work. The smell of food, drinks, exhaust, and people can all be sensed in this business-based district. This area is clearly lively, with many ceremonies, festivals and other events taking place. Lights from streetlights to advertisements to signs and decorations are clearly visible especially during the night. There is definitely a sense of magic in this lively city, with the city evolving to a Western life style, architecture, and dress, while keeping many of its ancient Japanese traditions. Thus it is interesting to see how a city can be modern and hold onto its heritage in the 21st century.

Goh, Jason, "Japan Tokyo Shibuya Japanese Building Crowd" 6/2/2013 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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