Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Verbs

This task was a very time consuming, tiring and frustrating task. Never the less, I have finished my list of verbs as can be seen below:

Was: 28 + Were: 7 + Are: 7 +Is: 23 =65

Has: 21 + Had: 13 + Having: 2 + Have: 2 = 38

Hide: 1+ Hiding: 2 + Hidden: 8 =11

Be: 3 + Become: 2 + Became: 1 + Being: 2 + Been: 2 =10

Led: 4 + Lead (to): 1 + Leading: 3 =8

Exposed: 6 + Expose: 1 = 7

Found: 3 + Finding: 1 + Find: 2 =6

Done: 4 + Does: 1 + Doing: 1 =6

Resign: 3 + Resigned: 2 + Resigning: 1 =6

Caused: 5

Started: 5

Argues: 2 + Argued: 1 + Arguing: 1 =4

Showing: 2 + Shows: 1 + Shown: 1 =4

Tries: 3 + Tried: 1 =4

Lost: 3 + Losing: 1 =4

Stating: 2 + Stated: 1 + States: 1 =4

Mentioned: 3 + Mentions: 1 =4

Would: 4

Affected: 4

Believes: 3

Happening: 2 + Happened: 1 =3

Working: 2 + Worked: 1 =3

Firing: 1+ Fired: 1 + Fire: 1 =3 

Faced: 1 + Facing: 1 + Faces: 1 =3

Admits: 1+ Admitting: 1 + Admitted: 1 =3

Damaging: 2 + Damaged: 1 =3

Purchasing: 1 + Purchased: 1 + Purchase: 1 =3

Made: 3

Cover: 3

Apologize: 1 + Apologizing: 1 =2

Serving: 1 + Served: 1 =2

Seen: 2

Impacted: 2

Goes: 1+ Gone: 1 =2

Discovered: 2

According: 2

Took: 1 + Take: 1 =2

Occurred: 2

Begin: 1 + Began: 1 =2

Sells: 1+ Selling: 1 =2

Investigate: 2

Told: 1+ Tells: 1 =2

Involved: 2

Continue: 1 + Continuing: 1 =2

Plays: 2

Says: 1 + Said: 1 =2

Heidelbach, Willi "Font Lead Set Book Printing Gutenberg Letters" 9/24/2004 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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