Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #3

Shuichi Takayama has a similar physical appearance and outfit to Kikukawa. He is a bit younger than Kikukawa, maybe around his 60’s, and faces similar pressure as Kikukawa does. He also wears glasses, slightly balding, greying a little on the sides, and has a clean shave. His formal dress code is shown with either grey, or navy suits.

These claims are all valid, as they seem credible. This credibility shows truth in the claims as Takayama admits to the company having done inappropriate accounting. This stakeholder successfully cites facts after admitting that the company has stated that these irregular acquisitions are a fact.  Additionally, his Takayama’s apology to all the different organizations affected by this fraud plays with emotion. By specifically addressing each different group, this gives a more valuable and meaningful claim.

These statements are similar to Kikukawa’s as they both in the end accept the fact that fraud has occurred in the company, and that they recognize the damaging consequences of these actions and would like to apologize. However, Takayama’s statements are different to the rest of the stakeholders as he mentions about how he plans on continuing to investigate more into the scandal and find any more information.

PublicDomainPictures, "Business Businessman Colleague Commerce Computer" 1/20/2009 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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