Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Discourse & Genre

This was a tedious task to do. Nonetheless I believe that this will be a very important post to refer back to when creating my final project.

1. In the journal issue, there are three identifiable genres (report, article and a Q&A section).

2. These genres include: report, article and Q&A section. The article is seen by giving the context, arguments, discussions, formulas, conclusion and other details of the story. The report is also another informative genre which provides results to readers with data chart, tables and graphs. The Q&A section highlights common key questions which arise from the discussed issue. By italicizing the question from the answers, this allows readers to easily identify the question and the answer.

Above: Q&A, Below: Table

3. Although articles and reports already have their own definitions, a Q&A section does not. I believe that a Q&A to a extent is very similar to a QRG. A Q&A shows similar features and a similar purpose to a QRG but would be more of a sub-version of a QRG. Thus, a Q&A is a text in which the audience is informed through the responses of certain commonly asked questions which readers can read and understand from. The purpose of each genre found in this journal issue is to inform readers.

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