Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

Audience questions:
1. The content hardly changed to be honest. I maybe added a few more words but apart form that the content did not change.
2. The form did not change as much either. I added a few more sound effects to make listeners actually feel like they are listening to a podcast.

Rough cut:
Another factor, which contributed to improving my writing for this semester, are the blog post activities. Doing activities such as the “Research report” gave me an opportunity to analyze the reliability of the sources I use. This made me become more critical in my research and writing as I wanted to ensure that my sources were accurate and credible to use in my projects. In addition, blog assignments such as editorial reports was a task which benefited my writing in my project. The use of editorial reports was an opportunity to look back at my work, find the weaknesses and correct them. This definitely was an activity I benefited from as parts of my project I feel improved tremendously from this editorial activity.

Re-edited selection:

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