Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

With the information collected and useful sources found, it is time to end the pre-production stage and begin production. Since day 1, I have felt that the quick reference guide genre is one of the hardest genres to use, but would be most appropriate to use for project 1.

Felipe, "Fear Pity C Purple Lilac Scared", 10/8/2014 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

1.What genre are you going to commit to for Project 1? Why?

I will be committing to a quick reference guide as my genre for project 1. I chose this genre for this specific project as I feel it is the most suitable genre for writing about a controversy postmortem. By writing about the recent Istanbul bombing, triggering the Turkish economy to fall, is definitely a topic required for going in depth and presenting readers a succinct explanation about this conflict. Therefore, using a quick reference guide seems appropriate to describe the recent controversy in Turkey’s largest economic based location.

2.What genre conventions from your chosen genre are you planning on developing during next week's Production phase? What do you plan to do with the genre conventions that will help you accomplish the purpose of the project most effectively?

I plan on developing genre conventions, which will be fundamental to exemplifying my chosen genre and creating a successful project 1. As I have chosen to do a quick reference guide, I will need to develop my writing by making it credible, formal and balanced. It needs to be credible by correctly citing trustworthy sources relating to my story. This will be important as this will help accomplish the purpose of my project most effectively by making it sound informative and believable with correctly used evidence. Additionally, as the purpose for my project will be to inform readers about a recent incident in a short and concise manner, I will need to learn how to summarize/shorten ideas. Thus, using short guiding questions within each paragraph will allow readers to understand the story in a concise but detailed approach.

3.How are you feeling about Project 1 going in to the Production phase? What challenges do you anticipate next week as you create content for the project?

As for how I feel for this project, anxiety and exhaustion are two clear senses I get for this coming week. As this is going to be the first time taking a University leveled English course, I am not sure what to expect but I hope my work will be sufficient enough for me to succeed. The challenges I expect to face is keeping track of my project while completing the blog posts consistently and not leaving them all to the last minute. Additionally, being focused enough to complete my project easily will be a important factor for how this week will go.

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