Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection on post-production

This has been a tiring week but I feel I still have more to accomplish. I hope for the next few days I will be more productive.

  1. During this week, I realised that by switching from a podcast to standard college essay was a more suitable genre for me to do. This genre was easier to work with then a podcast since I am used to writing essays. A podcast was a genre I typically never worked with which was a challenge working with. In addition, by using an essay for project 2, I feel as though my project will be more successful as the conventions for this genre are more easier to follow than creating a podcast.
  2. Challenges I faced was time management. I really struggled with completing everything on time. Thus, I felt rushed when doing my work and feel as though I could have done better if I used more time during my break to finish the project.
  3. Next week will go well as I feel that after finally finishing the project I can start working on the upcoming project 3. From this experience I will strive to work more in advance rather than working near the deadline.
  4. Overall, I feel glad the project is finally over. It was much more stressful than project one and I could not be any happier to finally finish this project.

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