Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer review for Nicki

Last peer review! Finally!

Audience question: I practised my editorial skills this week by peer reviewing Nicki I gave useful advice which I feel she will benefit from.

Name: Nicki
Title: Reflection Draft
Link: Here

Explanation of the peer activity selected: This was a video essay and as I had completed a video essay before in the past I thought it would be best for me to give my own suggestions from personal experience.

Explanation of how I helped the author with my feedback: I feel I helped Nicki as I gave useful feedback which I feel she will benefit from. In addition I think my feedback is very doable for Nicki and should be useful for her which can hopefully improve her video.

Explanation of how I used course material in my feedback: I used course material in my feedback by using past experience of giving peer reviews, and seeing past examples of video essays in d2l.

One thing I admired or learnt from: I like how she presents her reflection in a very descriptive and personal tone which I what I think the project is aiming students to go for. Great work!

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