Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

The project has officially ended. I did my best to improve my video essay and I am overall very proud of what I have created. I would appreciate it if anyone leaves a comment about what they thought of the video.

Audience question: I anticipate the post-production process to be easy. I have a lot of experience now completing three projects now. I learnt from my mistakes and have improved tremendously as a writer I believe.

Author Response:

Key information: FIFA is the soccer organization which governs all leagues and tournaments related to soccer in all countries around the world. Sep Blatter was the FIFA President at the time of the 2022 World Cup voting election. Qatar is a small but very rich oil nation in the middle east.

Major issues or weaknesses: I feel as though I could have add more as I feel something is missing. As to what it is I do not know. Additionally, the reasons I included are only the main issues about the Qatar World Cup, as there are also many other relevant and important problems about Qatar hosting the world cup which I did not have time to include.

Strengths of the fine cut: I feel as though I gave enough content and my own personal opinion in the video essay. I worked hard on making sure I met the conventions of my genre. It took a while to organize everything but I feel as though it was worth it in the end.

Fine Cut Link: Here

1 comment:

  1. Good Evening!
    I really enjoyed watching your video! It was well thought out and was very interesting.

    It was difficult to find flaws in it. I think one of the few flaws with it was that at the beginning, the intro music was a tad bit to loud.

    I think that another flaw was the lack of citations. It could help your credibility and therefore strengthen your argument.

    Good Luck and I hope this helps.
