Sunday, April 17, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Finally! My rough cut is finished and open for classmates to view. I feel as though there is still more work I could do to improve the video essay. I have yet to add some more video clips, photos and other graphics. None the less, I am pleased with my rough cut and feel comfortable finishing the rough cut in time. This is because I have managed my time well and have worked pretty well in advance.

Audience question:
Based off of what I have accomplished during the production phase, I anticipate the post-production phase to be smoother than this week. I have completed my rough draft and now have a foundation I can develop on. There are still some more things I could add and edit but I believe this will not take too long and will not be too much of a challenge hopefully.

Author response:
The topic for my project is about how I feel FIFA is doing a wrong decision in letting Qatar host the Fifa World Cup in 2022. Qatar has used bribery to win the bid, treated migrant workers unfairly, and do not permit homosexuality. These are only some the few reasons which I believe justify that Qatar should not host the World Cup.

The weaknesses in the rough cut is that there will be a few moments where pronounce things wrong. Another thing to note is that there will be a few awkward silent pauses in the video during transitions which is an issue I need to fix.

Strengths are that I managed to include all my ideas well. I used some of the conventions and presented a somewhat news report style video which I believe makes the video look credible and somewhat professional to an extent.

Rough Cut Here


  1. I love the sportscaster theme you have in your video, it helps support the theme of the argument, clever. I think by employing different camera angles (i.e. front, side) while talking helps to hold the audience's attention. Also, by facing the camera straight forward and using a more white light, it will help to improve the quality of the video, thereby increasing the your as an author capability/credibility. Overall love the video and the topic, I can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Hey Eren!
    I watched the rough draft of your video essay and it looks great so far! I'm also doing a video essay for Project 3 and even though none of my content has my face onscreen, I think it is really effective in how you did it with communicating your message and information clearly to the audience. You used a lot of images that helped the audience understand important parts of your argument such as the awful working and living conditions for the workers and who the most important individuals in the situation are. This is effectively using the genre conventions for a video essay because visual appeal is so important.
    One suggestion that I might have is including a video clip from a source that is an interview or statement given by some World Cup or FIFA official explaining their side to the situation. This way, different perspectives would be presented and another convention of the genre (moving picture and audio from another source) could also be used in the project. Again, your project looks good so far and I wish you luck with the editing you do this week!

  3. Hi Eren!
    Your Rough Cut was pretty cool. I think the argument your making is pretty valid. The ideas you use to support it seem viable to me and they're in line with the point your'e trying to make. As for the conventions of a video essay, its obviously a rough cut so I get that you didn't focus so much on form. A few suggestions would be to include written quotes like that one you said for the president of something (sorry I don't remember). I think that would help. things like captions would maybe help too. Background music and sound effects as well as maybe getting a better angle of your face when you're filming yourself are all things I feel would stenrgthen you're already interesting video essay. You seem to know what you're doing though, so good luck!


  4. Hi Eren!
    Your Rough Cut was pretty cool. I think the argument your making is pretty valid. The ideas you use to support it seem viable to me and they're in line with the point your'e trying to make. As for the conventions of a video essay, its obviously a rough cut so I get that you didn't focus so much on form. A few suggestions would be to include written quotes like that one you said for the president of something (sorry I don't remember). I think that would help. things like captions would maybe help too. Background music and sound effects as well as maybe getting a better angle of your face when you're filming yourself are all things I feel would stenrgthen you're already interesting video essay. You seem to know what you're doing though, so good luck!

