Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #1

As Bloomberg puts it, Michael Woodford is “the well-spoken middle aged Englishman. The gentleman had short, receding black hair, close-set eyes, and a generous round chin.”  This is a pretty accurate description to Michael Woodford’s appearance, which I would agree with. As to how Michael Woodford speaks, he speaks clearly and with confidence.  With mannerisms, he holds a good posture, keeps his hands still and folded, showing a sense of his formal attitude. The way he dresses, speaks, and his mannerisms are, would most likely be influenced by having worked most of his life in the business world.

The claims made by Woodford do show truth. The claims are valid as Woodford’s statements relate back to how the scandal has caused chaos for the all parties (members who started fraud, himself and people working for Olympus). His claim that if the members who started the fraud had any sense of remorse for the company, they should then understand to their wrong doings and resign, is highly credible. This is also developed with how Woodford believes the guilty members as well as the current board of Olympus care more about themselves than the company, as this will only continue to hurt the company’s name more and realize they are affecting the 45,000 people currently working for Olympus. This is a strong point made which plays on emotions of the public, by stating how a large innocent group of employees being effected by this scandal. In the last claim, Woodford presents himself as credible by hoping that Olympus will move on from this issue, hoping for the better of the company as well as himself.

These claims are different from other stakeholders as the other side is denying what Woodford states. This is seen with Olympus and Kikuawa denial of irregular acquisitions. As Kikuawa and Olympus has been constantly denying about hiding their losses since the 1990’s there is are very different claims made, as the different stakeholders oppose each other.

Unsplash, "Tie Necktie Adjust Adjusting Man Business", 5/7/2015 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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