Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

This was also another tiresome assignment. Nonetheless it will be useful for the content of my project I believe that will help in the main body section of the paper.

1. The authors for this academic journal are Martijn G. De Jong, Jean-Paul Fox, and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp. Martijn G. De Jong is a Professor of Marketing Research (teaching global marketing and marketing research), and is a director of the master program in marketing at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Jean-Paul Fox is a professor at the University of Twente. Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp is a Knox Massey Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Area Chair of Marketing. He specializes in global marketing, branding, emerging markets, and strategy. In the journal issue, there is not specific instance where the authors are portrayed.

2. The intended audience for this journal issue are market researchers. This is shown with the intro as the journal writes about how market researchers have been interested in the issue of under and over reporting. This is seen in the abstract with "In recent years, marketing researchers have become increasingly interested in under- and overreporting."

3. The context surrounding this particular journal issue is on how recently market researchers have developed a curiosity about under and overreporting. Because of this issue, the article aims to offer a understanding on how under and overreporting occurs. This journal issue was published on 12/1/2015, meaning the issue discussed can still be present.

4. The overall message of the journal is to show how the results taken from respondents can identify as to how under and overreporting occurs. This is seen with "The results show that respondents are averse to decreases in privacy and that randomized response is less effective if respondents provide biased responses to earlier direct questions."

5. The prupose of the journal issue is to provide readers is to provide "a response theory model to quantify the under and overreporting in surveys."This is given in the abstract which clearly states the aim of the article.

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