Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Variety

After reading my draft again there are many key aspects in my writing which I should improve on. This includes grammatical errors, repetition and other issues.

1. In the current draft, there seems to be some variation. I noticed that there are instances of the same ideas repeating again after each other which is definitely a point to consider on how I should improve my project. I also use certain words very frequently which does not give a sense of creativity and variation in my QRG.

2. When transitioning from either paragraphs or sentences, there is a good flow. This shows how I kept a well organized structure with clear headings to signal that the topic is changing (ie; Intro to debate etc.)

3. In terms of vocabulary, I do believe that I have used a wide range of vocabulary throughout the entire project. This shows variety in my project which helps form a good QRG. However certain words are consistently repeated in the essay such as: hidden, fraud and other words. This was a factor I should consider to improve my project as it was difficult trying to find different words to describe something. Additionally, after reading my draft, I should try and use more sophisticated vocabulary words rather than basic terms.

Anja, "Wine Bottles Wine Rack Wine Bottle Range Bottles", 4/25/2009 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License 

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