Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assesment

I am finally glad to have finished my project 1. It was a struggle but it has ended and I feel a large weight that has been on me for a while has finally been pulled off.

1. Overall for my project I am feeling both worried and relieved. I think my project overall is pretty good. I have tried my best to include every important detail do everything the rubric will asses me on.

2. The major weaknesses for my project is that the flow of the project. I fear that the QRG might be confusing to the reader at times with certain transition of new ideas as well as tenses. Additionally, I am worried about how I structured the QRG as I feel that maybe I should have given the main story more early on.

3. The major strengths in my project is keeping with the genre and giving background information. I believe that I have presented a QRG that has met most of the conventions necessary for the genre. I have included clear headings, a effective introducing title, graphics and more. I also believe that I have provided readers a sufficient amount of background information for them to understand the story, the stakeholders and other factors to the controversy. I have contextualized the story well, giving vivid descriptions on stakeholders, locations, time setting, and other factors.

4.For project 1 I think I managed my time better than I had expected. I feel as though I started well in advance with researching, getting sources, and writing the project. Although there was a long period where I had left the project and did not go back to it for a while. I do believe however that it would have been more ideal for me to start working on the final draft after receiving feedback for the first draft. Nonetheless, I feel as though I got my work done with enough time as I did not feel the need to rush at all.

Stachowiak, Kai, "Joy Luck Happy Shadow Play", 12/13/2013 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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