Sunday, February 7, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

1. The audience for my project will be readers who frequently examine news stories to learn about. Specifically this will be readers who are interested in the business spectrum of news, or simply interested in learning about a recent controversy. The people who would be interested in this subject would also most likely read other business reports from Forbes, Bloomberg, and other major news sources. Other forms of media my audience would be interested would most likely be the technology section. Technology ties in with business, which I believe would interest business readers. Additionally, the arts and politics would also interest my audience greatly. In terms of demographic factors, the audience would most likely be middle class and upper class. I believe that the audience would range from these socio-economic statuses groups as they can easily afford and access news reports daily. Additionally, geographically, the audience members would most likely live in economically developed countries where English is commonly spoken. This would range from North America to Northern and in some cases in Western Europe. As for gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, political affiliation and religious beliefs, there is not a specific group for each of these factors as the business world is universal. For my audience, the current business world, inventions, stock market values, and new business projects are some of the many things that are important to the audience. Perhaps sports news is something my audience would not value as much. This might not be of much value to my audience as this does not impact their lives as much as news relating to health, technology, education, politics and business would.

2. In relation to my audience, I want my quick reference guide for my project to be as informative and interesting to readers . Thus, the purpose of my project is to highlight the most important events in the story and present this information to readers in a way, which gives a good understanding of the topic while keeping the readers’ interest. The most important elements of this controversy that I will not want my audience to get confused with is the reason behind why the scandal happened. This is important, as I want my audience understand the unethicalness of irregular payments in the business field. Thus it is important that the audience understands that there are only a few people involved in the Olympus scandal, not the entire board of Olympus. The time period of the controversy is also important to understand as the controversy had begun back in the 1990’s, when certain policies and regulations were not implemented in business, as the context was different. I am worried that my audience will not understand certain business terms such as a “tobashi scheme” which I will need to explain.

3. As for what I will bring to this project that no one else in my classes will bring to it, is the research I have done about this controversy from multiple different types of sources. I will bring information from these sources, which I will then filter out to see what is most relevant for my audience’s understanding of the controversy. This story interests me as I have always wondered about how people get arrested within business companies. I never learnt about how one is willing to do wrong acts to save his or hers job within a company. In addition, I am the perfect fit for this story as I just started learning about business in my life and have never been so interested in learning about this new field. I have always thought about doing one thing in my life and than another, but I have never truly researched enough about each field. Now, I have learnt more about the business field than anything else in my life and have developed a great interest in further understanding this new topic.

Altmann, Gerd, "Business Idea Planning Organizaiton Chart", March/7/2015 via pixabay
Public Domain Dedication License

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