Friday, May 6, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

Audience questions:
1. The content hardly changed to be honest. I maybe added a few more words but apart form that the content did not change.
2. The form did not change as much either. I added a few more sound effects to make listeners actually feel like they are listening to a podcast.

Rough cut:
Another factor, which contributed to improving my writing for this semester, are the blog post activities. Doing activities such as the “Research report” gave me an opportunity to analyze the reliability of the sources I use. This made me become more critical in my research and writing as I wanted to ensure that my sources were accurate and credible to use in my projects. In addition, blog assignments such as editorial reports was a task which benefited my writing in my project. The use of editorial reports was an opportunity to look back at my work, find the weaknesses and correct them. This definitely was an activity I benefited from as parts of my project I feel improved tremendously from this editorial activity.

Re-edited selection:

Editorial Report 15a

Audience questions:
1. The content hardly changed to be honest. I maybe added a few more words but apart form that the content did not change.
2. The form did not change as much either. I added a few more sound effects to make listeners actually feel like they are listening to a podcast.

Rough cut:
Ever since I was small I always had trouble writing. But with practice over time, I have improved consistently improved as a writer. With better sentence structure, trying to limit the use of passive voice and smoother transitions, the fluidity of my writing has improved. From constantly writing in new essays in different genres, readings, using rhetorical strategies, all have helped improve my writing.

Re-edited selection:

Peer review for Nicki

Last peer review! Finally!

Audience question: I practised my editorial skills this week by peer reviewing Nicki I gave useful advice which I feel she will benefit from.

Name: Nicki
Title: Reflection Draft
Link: Here

Explanation of the peer activity selected: This was a video essay and as I had completed a video essay before in the past I thought it would be best for me to give my own suggestions from personal experience.

Explanation of how I helped the author with my feedback: I feel I helped Nicki as I gave useful feedback which I feel she will benefit from. In addition I think my feedback is very doable for Nicki and should be useful for her which can hopefully improve her video.

Explanation of how I used course material in my feedback: I used course material in my feedback by using past experience of giving peer reviews, and seeing past examples of video essays in d2l.

One thing I admired or learnt from: I like how she presents her reflection in a very descriptive and personal tone which I what I think the project is aiming students to go for. Great work!

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

It has come to an end. It was a hard semester but I made it. Yesssssssssssss

Audience question: I am anticipating to be more relaxed now and do the things I enjoy in life. Summer 2016 here I come.

Author response:
I want everyone to know that I feel I could have done this better but in all honesty, I had such little time to accomplish this assignment with finals, other essays and assignments during the week. I hope you enjoy it.

There are some issues with this as I feel I pronounce things wrong accidentally and could re edit some aspects. It is not perfect but it will hopefully make sense to listeners.

The strengths are that I give personal detail. I have a lot to talk about which shows that I did not have any trouble finding content. I also use a lot of the conventions for a podcast within my final piece.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule

Audience question: I will manage my time well in order to get everything done this coming week. By completing a section each day, I will finish my project in time and have time to revise my work.


What is to be done:
-Gather evidence
-Begin intro
-Discuss with Professor Bottai about paper so far
-Finish main sections
-Finish conclusion
-Revise podcast and correct any issues

-Study room

Date and time:
-Monday 11:00-1:00, 7:00-12:00
-Tuesday 9:30-12:00, 1:00-3:00
-Wednesday 11:00-2:00

Resources required:

Content Outline

Audience Question: I will organize my project in a clear and easy to follow outline. Using a well-structured outline will help me write all my ideas and make sense.

Opening Section:

Intro statement: Over time as a writer I have improved consistently. With better sentence structure, trying to limit the use of passive voice and smoother transitions, the fluidity of my writing has improved. From constantly writing in new essays in different genres and reading books, my writing has improved.

How to catch reader’s attention: Ever since I was small I always had trouble writing. But with practice, I have learnt how to improve my writing.

Main body section 1:
Main idea: How writing in new genres has improved me as a writer
Evidence: From writing in many different genres from each project and completing the conventions, I have expanded my knowledge as a writer by writing in these new unfamiliar forms.

Evidence proves: Evidence proves that as I have written in different genres such as podcast, video essay, standard college essay and the quick reference guide.

Why evidence is important: Evidence is important as it explains as to how I have improved as a writer from writing in new genres.

Main body section 2:
            Main idea: How blog posts has helped my writing
Evidence: Posts such as research reports, peer reviews and editorial reports has helped me plan my essays better, credibility, and edit better.

Evidence proves:
How I have improved as writer, peer reviewer, and editor.

Why evidence is important: Evidence is important as it explains how my writing process has developed from the blog posts, and in class activities.  

Main body section 3:
            Main idea: How I have improved the credibility of my writing.
Evidence: By looking at each source’s reliability and showing as little bias as possible while using rhetorical strategies in my writing, my writing’s credibility has developed

Evidence proves:  The evidence proves that by learning how to be more critical about sources I use for my research and focusing on maintaining a non-bias voice in my writing, my writing has become more credible.

Why evidence is important:
Evidence is important as it explains to audience as to how the credibility of my writing has developed.

Closing section:

Explanation of larger significance of subject: By writing in new genres, blog posts, and focusing on credibility of my writing, my writing process has improved.

Peer Review for Sarah

Below is my peer review for Sarah. I hope my feedback will be useful for Sarah in the future.

Audience question: I practiced my editorial skills this week in peer review by giving Sarah suggestions on how to improve her standard college essay

Name: Sarah

Title: Production Report 14b

Hyperlink: Here

Explanation of peer review activity selected: I selected this work to peer review as it looked interesting to me. In addition I have already completed this genre in the past and with my experience I could give my classmate advice from my own opinion.

Explanation of how I helped the author: I helped give the author advice on how she could improve her essay by letting her know to give as much detail as possible. By having Sarah elaborate more on certain points will make her essay stronger.

Explanation of how I used course material in my peer review: By going over the past examples of the genre, and project 4 assignment sheet, I used course material to assess his work while giving feedback.

What I admired or learnt from: I admired the personal tone she used as it made the essay more interesting to read. I was never losing interest when reading her essay, as this personal reflective essay was a great work to read from.